What Should You Do When Your Cat Catch A Cold


Can a cat suffer from cold? Most people cannot be sure but being cat owners, you should know that your pet cat can be infected by cold. In fact, cats’ cold isn’t uncommon and it is commonly known as upper respiratory infection. Just like human, your cat can get a cold due to harmful bacteria in the air and it can actually get these harmful microorganisms from another sick cat. If you got a cold, you need not worry about infecting your feline companion. Humans suffering from colds will not infect their pets and vice versa.

So how will you know if your cat is having a cold? Well, you need to be observance to look out for any symptom of cold. What are the symptoms would you see if you’re infected by cold? Sneezes, runny nose, discharge of mucus and sometime wheezing breath are some of the common symptoms. Just like you, you may see these symptoms appearing if your feline is having a cold. The uncomfortable feeling can some time affect the cats’ mood and they may constantly flare up. When the cold gets more serious, it may leads to problem in breathing.
Since your cat can be easily infected by another sick cat and their colds can be very contagious, you can try to minimize your cat’s chance of being infected by colds. If your cat spends most of its time outside, the chance of coming into contact with the other pets or strays can be very high and as such, its risk of getting a cold will naturally be high. Your furry friend can also get its cold when it visits the vets, the groomers or any other places where many other pets roam. Minimize your cat from going outside the house is one effective way of preventing it from catching a cold. As for grooming, you can learn to do it yourself and visit the groomer only once in a while.  
Never treat your pet yourself and prescribe your own medicine. The smartest thing to do when your cat is down with a cold is to take it to the vet, the professional animals’ doctor. Not only will your cat recover faster, it can save you the money which you might have to fork out if your cat’s cold gets more serious when left untreated for too long. Ensure your cat drink a lot of water and make sure the place it is resting is clean and dry. With your vet’s prescribed medicine, good rest and your love and care, your cat should recover in no time.

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