Common Cat Skin Problems


Have you noticed something unusual about your cat’s skin lately? When you are stroking or grooming your cat, you may notice an obvious rash or small lumps- although this can appear rather alarming cat skin problems are generally relatively easy to treat. Here are some of the most common causes of cat skin problems.

Skin allergies
A skin allergy will most likely manifest as itchiness- your cat will scratch the affected area which can make the skin split or appear raw. Skin allergies in cats are generally caused by substances (allergens) in the environment which your cat becomes allergic too, such as pollen, mold, household chemicals or dust.
Dry Skin
The skin will appear dry, flaky and scurfy. Your cat may bite or scratch the affected areas, causing red patches. Although dry skin is not generally a problem, it can be a symptom of other problems which may require treatment, for example dry crusty skin can indicate an infection.
Mange is caused by mites, and although it is not that common in cats, it is still a possibility. Symptoms include hair loss, sores on the skin, dandruff and itching. A mange infection generally starts on the neck, face or in the ears but if untreated it can spread throughout the body.
There are two types of mites which cause mange; burrowing mites, which burrow into the skin to lay eggs in the tunnels they create, and non burrowing mites, which feed on the skin or blood.
Head mange, also known as cat scabies or notoedric mange, is caused by burrowing mites, and is characterized by excessive scratching, crusty skin and loss of fur. It is very contagious and can also be spread to humans.
Ringworm, also known as fungal dermatitis, is characterized by circular shaped patches of hair loss in one or more places on your cat’s body. It is caused by a fungus rather than a worm, and can be very contagious. Read this post for more information on Feline Ringworm symptoms, and this post for information on treating Feline Ringworm.
Flea Dermatitis
Quite often cats have an allergic reaction to flea bites or flea saliva. Flea dermatitis will then result, and will manifest as small red lumps on your cat’s skin which will be very itchy. Fleas will often infest difficult to scratch areas such as the top of the tail, back of the neck and the groin.
Feline Miliary Dermatitis
This is also known as ‘scabby cat disease’ or ‘feline eczema’ and is not actually a disease but a symptom of other diseases such as bacterial infections, fleas, mites, fungal infections, allergies or autoimmune diseases. Symptoms are small bumps with a crusty scab and red skin underneath. They may either cover a large area of the body or a smaller localized area and will be very itchy.
Feline Acne
This common skin condition is found mainly on your cat’s lips and chin and can affect cats of all ages. Readthis post for more information on symptoms and treatment for feline acne.
Diagnosis and Treatment of skin problems
Your vet may need to carry out various tests to properly diagnose cat skin conditions, including a biopsy or blood tests.
The treatment will then depend on the type of condition or disease, but could involve medicated shampoos, topical or oral based medications. An infection may require a course of antibiotics.
Many cat skin problems can appear quite frightening in appearance, but most can be treated quickly and easily. Keep checking your cat’s skin regularly for signs of redness, hair loss, lumps or rashes, and take her to the vet if you are in any doubt.
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