Cat Behavior Problems; Aggression And How To Deal With It


Cat aggression can be a serious problem, and you may need specialist help to resolve this. Cat aggression problems often originate from a traumatic experience in your cat’s life, such as being hurt by somebody or being badly treated.
Aggressive cats can be dangerous, so attempting to resolve a chronic cat aggression problem often requires assistance from a professional who is knowledgeable about cat behavior. Types of Aggression play motivated aggressive behaviors are commonly observed in young, active cats less than two years of age and who live in one-cat households. Most cat aggression problems stem from a traumatic experience that the cat has previously had. For example, perhaps as a kitten your cat was hurt by another person?

The environmental and behavior modification techniques will be the most effective when the causes of the problem can be determined. For example, after moving, providing a new secure territory including an area for elimination, food, and resting is most effective. If you notice anything strange about your cat, it could be a sign of unhappiness and stress, which could very well lead to aggressive behavior. Aggression, Anxiety, and Mental Health are three behaviors that are effectively treated by the natural and herbal remedies.
“Play behavior aggression” is considered a rehearsal of adult roles and is helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for kittens’ future development. During the process of rough and tumble play, kittens exercise just about every sense and muscle in their bodies, helping to prepare the youngsters for the life that lies ahead.
If sudden introductions lead to aggression, this can set the stage for future battles and may not go well for the future. The way to circumvent this problem is to gradually introduce unfamiliar cats to each other across a closed door. Be very careful of picking up strays and feral, not only because of potential diseases (which you could spread to your other pets, if you have them) but to avoid future problems. It is sad, but a feral cat does best being feral, as long as it is safe. Try restoring cat friendships damaged in this way using the same techniques used for inter-cat aggression, reintroducing the cats to one another by mixing facial pheromones or using wire mesh pens. An individual may control
Redirected cat aggression by following two steps: 1. the strange cat must be kept out of the yard 2. Defensive, territorial, redirected and idiopathic (meaning the cause is unknown) forms of cat aggression can be quite serious and usually require professional help to resolve. You should never attempt to handle a fearful or aggressive cat.
A way to deal with Social Cat Aggression is to take control of all rewards. Teach your cat that an obedient behavior is the way to get the reward. Territorial cat aggression can be exhibited with addition on a new cat to the family, some change in the environment or an already established pecking order. If a new cat is to be added to the family, the introduction process should be gradual and may take 2-3 weeks. However, there are other causes of cat aggression and they include over excitement and illness.
“Fear aggression,” is a defensive behavior towards unfamiliar people, animals, noises and even new places. Unpleasant experiences, like a trip to the veterinarian’s office, may also trigger fear aggression in your cat. We hope that this will help you to understand why the behavior occurs, what you are dealing with, and how to correct it. In order to correct this behavior, you need to redirect your kitten’s aggressive behavior onto acceptable objects. Drag a toy along the floor to encourage your kitten to pounce on it, or throw a toy away from your kitten to give her even more exercise by chasing the toys.

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